Jenny is a resident at our Supported Living Service in Croydon, London. The service provides accommodation for adults with epilepsy, learning disabilities or mental health needs.
One of Jenny’s favourite hobbies is making embroidery and you can often find her down in the conservatory working on a project.
Jenny’s embroidery work started when she received a birthday present which was an embroidery set of a basket of flowers. Jenny started practicing doing long stitch and gradually worked her way up making different cross stitches. Jenny loves working on her embroidery; she gives it her full attention and does not like to be disturbed while doing it. To make it easier for Jenny to see the very fine details of her projects, she uses special glasses with lights on each side.
Jenny will often take her projects down to the pub after she has had her lunch. Many people admire Jenny’s embroidery, and she receives many great compliments. Jenny started her Colourful Cat Project, the project that is pictured, in January 2023. Jenny said:
“It will take me as long as it takes. You never really know how long embroidery is going to take but I always continue with my projects until they are finished.”