Congratulations to Willowmead, our supported living service in Surrey, for maintaining their ‘Good’ rating across all five key lines of enquiry — safe, effective, caring, responsive, and well-led — in their latest Care Quality Commission (CQC) report.
The CQC report highlighted that people received safe, consistent, and timely support from competent staff who understood their needs, wishes, and preferences. Support was assessed and designed before admission in consultation with the individual, their family members, and healthcare professionals.
The CQC found that staff helped people achieve the best possible outcomes. People were supported to live as independently as possible, involved in reviewing their support, and asked for their feedback. Staff actively encouraged and facilitated individual choices, working with people to remove barriers and empower them to gain new skills. They ensured appropriate adjustments and plans were made to enable people to pursue their preferences during the day.
Bernadette O’Neill, Service Manager at Willowmead, said: “Thank you to all of the team that makes Willowmead what it is today. It is through your resilience, commitment and embracing change, that you have achieved a very healthy and well deserved ‘Good’ rating.
“I have had the privilege of seeing both yourselves and the residents thrive in the past year and a half since I started my role at Willowmead. I feel very honoured to see how you support those who are the most vulnerable in our society, to live their best lives – Well done all!”
To celebrate their achievement, the team went out together for a meal together at a local restaurant!
To read more about Willowmead, please visit their page on our website.