Westcountry Case Management and Neural Pathways shortlisted as finalists in the 2023 NR Times Awards

Westcountry Case Management and Neural Pathways shortlisted as finalists in the 2023 NR Times Awards


Congratulations Westcountry Case Management and Neural Pathways, two of Active Care Group’s case management companies, who have been shortlisted as finalists for three 2023 NR Times Awards.

Westcountry Case Management is a finalist in the Case Management Firm of the Year category. This category recognises firms who are making their own contribution to a dynamic and forward-thinking direction for case management, working collaboratively to deliver the care, support and rehabilitation a client needs, placing the client at the heart of everything and securing life-changing outcomes.

Neural Pathways is a finalist in two categories: Innovation in Neuro-rehab of the Year and Rehab Outcome of the Year. The Innovation in Neuro-rehab of the Year Award is for the individuals or providers who has embraced innovation to give new hope and secure beyond-expectation outcomes, helping to create examples of best practice which set an example to the wider sector. The Rehab Outcome of the Year Award is for cases in which patients have secured life-changing progress through the work of either an individual practitioner or business, or that of an MDT, enabling them to look to an infinitely more positive future.

Janette Wynn, Managing Director of Case Management Division at Active Care Group said: “Congratulations Westcountry and Neural Pathways. Amazing news and it really is a testament to your amazing work! Well done.”

The NR Times Awards were launched this year and celebrate the innovation, dedication and leadership in the neuro-rehab world. The Awards ceremony will take place virtually on Thursday 26th October 2023. For more information on the Awards, please visit www.nrtimes.co.uk.

Congratulations and good luck to the teams at Westcountry Case Management and Neural Pathways!

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