Steven suffered a traumatic brain injury – this is his journey at Murdostoun

Steven suffered a traumatic brain injury – this is his journey at Murdostoun


Steven had a traumatic brain injury from an assault, of which he has no memory. He was admitted to Murdostoun Brain Injury Rehabilitation Centre after an extended stay in hospital. His recovery has been complicated with an insulin dependent diabetes.

On admission Steven was unable to weight bear and was hoisted for all transfers. He was able to sit out in his wheelchair for certain times of the day; but was mostly bed bound. Steven required both cognitive and physical rehabilitation and support with his anxiety and depression.

The multi-disciplinary team worked together to provide a robust therapy plan and Steven is now able to walk using a walking stick. He is also able to verbally communicate, wash, dress, cook and clean for himself and was discharged home with a small care package to support him with his diabetes management.