Built on over 30 years of specialist expertise, Active Care Group has been gradually developing its name and expanding its reputation in what continues to be a highly competitive arena. Following a number of mergers overseen by its operator, Montreux Capital Management, the company has pushed on further in recent years and now operates nearly 70 sites, supplemented by around 30 leasehold operations. Josh Worrell, Head of Property & Estates, recently outlined to Construction Industry News what the impact of this growth has been from an asset point of view and how it’s being managed.
“We carry out quite a mixture of care including assisted living, as well as providing care for individuals with specific health issues, such as ventilation and respiratory problems, spinal injury, brain injury, epilepsy, neurological conditions, mental health and learning disabilities,” explains Mr Worrell. “Given the breadth of the services we offer, we have a varied portfolio of properties so that we’re able to provide the best possible care. As a result of this diversity, our approach to facilities management is equally varied to ensure any issues are quickly identified and resolved.”