One of our Service Users told us about their achievements and goals

One of our Service Users told us about their achievements and goals


Positive outcomes are always great to hear about. At Loyd House in Northampton, we have a Service User that has made amazing progress with the help of our MDT team and a local fitness group, Fitness without boundaries. We found out from the Service user, about their achievements, progress and what has helped them.

What are your achievements?

When I first came to (Loyd house), I was using an electric wheelchair and required hoisting. I can now walk with the aid of one crutch, and last week I jogged on a treadmill at Fitness without boundaries. Jogging on a treadmill was one of my goals, so I’m very happy with that! I’m also making my own lunches Monday to Friday which I haven’t done for a long time.

What do you enjoy about the Fitness without boundaries group?

I like getting out of the house and the feel good factor afterwards. It’s the same people at the group, so it’s social. We all encourage, motivate and help each other out. The gym instructor is also brilliant and easy to get along with.

Would you have any advice to someone who may be joining a group similar to this?

Yes, give it a chance. It may seem daunting at first but that soon goes away. Also, make sure you help each other out.

What are your goals for the future?

I have a few, I want to keep getting fitter and improve my balance so that hopefully I can jog on the treadmill without holding on. It would be nice to do the cancer race for life at the (local) park next year. As well as attending the fitness group, the MDT team have really helped me to help myself reach my goals.