Our occupational therapy team at Frenchay on the difficulties following brain injury

Our occupational therapy team at Frenchay on the difficulties following brain injury

Our occupational therapy team at Frenchay stood next to one another behind their occupational therapy stand.

The occupational therapy team at our Frenchay Brain Injury Rehabilitation Centre in Bristol have been raising awareness around the difficulties our patients face following brain injury such as visual impairment, upper limb impairment, and cognitive impairments; all of which can impact their day-to-day tasks.

Occupational therapists see beyond diagnoses and limitations to hopes and aspirations, restoring physical and mental function. They help to rebuild lives.

Last month, our occupational therapy team at Frenchay celebrated Occupational Therapy Week to raise awareness and understanding of occupational therapy. They hosted a stand at Frenchay with useful and informative information alongside other team members and occupational therapy students.

Occupational Therapy Week is an annual national awareness campaign dedicated to celebrating occupational therapy’s life-changing power. Occupational Therapy Week 2023 looked at what occupation is in the context of occupational therapy and why it matters.

Thank you to all our colleagues, patients, and visitors who visited the stand and engaged with our occupational therapy team, celebrating the brilliant world of occupational therapy and also enjoying tasty treats.