
Supported living service in Surrey

At Willowmead, we provide our people with the support they need, helping to promote independence and maintain a high standard of both physical and mental wellbeing. We’re committed to helping every person we support feel safe, happy, empowered enabling them to live the best life possible.

Capacity up to 13

Supported living

All genders


Supported living care that puts the individual at the heart of everything we do.

Welcome to Willowmead, a supported living care service based in East Molesey, Surrey. We offer a warm, nurturing environment with a holistic approach to care, encouraging a unique environment of support for adults with autism, learning difficulties and mental health needs.

Everyone at Willowmead is committed to making people’s lives better, enabling the individuals we support to achieve their hopes and dreams through round the clock, unprecedented levels of care and support. Our vision is to make a difference; to enable people to optimise their potential and enjoy full, rewarding lives.

Active Care Group‘s core values are a commitment to putting the individual at the heart of everything we do, providing a seamless, personalised package of care that reflects a persons individual wishes, hopes and expectations, taking the time to get it right.

We support people with autism, learning disabilities, mental health and other complex needs. The service has evolved since it opened in 2015 to provide specialist support for people with emotionally unstable personality disorder/borderline personality disorder and attachment disorder. The people supported at Willowmead are mixed gender and their ages range from 18 to 65 years old.

At Willowmead, we work closely with the people we support to improve their confidence and manage their anxieties as well as to provide people with the skills to progress towards more independent living. We can support people to attend local colleges, to access voluntary or paid employment opportunities, to gain skills in budgeting and daily life skills such as cooking and cleaning. We support our people to attend local activities i.e. bike riding, swimming, going to the gym or practicing their faith. Our large private garden is perfect for social events such as BBQs and parties, as well as being an ideal space to entertain friends and family.

Support at Willowmead is delivered differently across the house and in the studio flats. In the house, the team work with the individuals we support to look at their future pathways, developing their interests, goals and future aspirations. Our links with local colleges and Surrey Choices, combined with our teams’ passion to help each individual, enables us to explore further experiences to develop their quality of life.

In the studio flats, staff work with people who present complex needs and challenging behaviours. Our team are trained in assisting people with positive behaviour support, and alongside the care practitioners, staff are able to help people to develop community connections, linking in with different community projects.

Conditions we support, but are not limited to:

  • Epilepsy
  • Brain injury
  • Autism
  • Learning difficulties
  • Sensory impairment
  • Mental health
  • Physical disabilities
  • Other complex needs

13 studio flats/bedrooms

Willowmead has capacity for up to 13 individuals where we care and support them in their everyday care needs.

Shared bathrooms

Our bathrooms are room equipped with modern furnishings and equipment making it easy to use for individuals of all capabilities.

Communal lounges

Our communal lounges are where the individuals we support come together for activities and to socialise in a friendly environment.

Communal kitchen

Each individual is encouraged to gather in the kitchen and interact in a community setting during meal times.

Large garden area

Featuring a summer house, swing, pond and planters for everyone to relax, interact and grow vegetables.

Large summer house

Each individual has access to our large summer house, perfect for activities and interacting with other residents.

Watch this video about what makes
Willowmead so special.

Download our brochure

Our goal is to care for people and help them lead rich, rewarding and meaningful lives, however that looks for them. Download our brochure to learn more about the services we provide at Active Care Group.

Commitment to quality

At Willowmead we have aligned and agreed our strategic goals to define what we want our organisation to achieve. This means we have also aligned them with the five domains of the Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection standards to ensure we provide the very best care possible to all the individuals we support.

Our address

1 Willowmead, Summer Road, East Molesey, Surrey, KT8 9LR

Contact number

Tel: 0208 398 8664

Browse supported living services:

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