Prospect Court

Supported living service in Sutton

At Prospect Court, we provide our people with the support they need in their homes, helping to promote independence and maintain a high standard of both physical and mental wellbeing. We’re committed to helping every person we support feel safe, happy, empowered enabling them to live the best life possible.

Capacity up to 36

Supported living

All genders


Supported living care that puts the individual at the heart of everything we do.

Welcome to Prospect Court, a supported living service providing a mixture of one and two bedroom shared flats based in Sutton, Surrey. We provide care and support for up to 28 adults between the ages of 18-65 who have epilepsy, learning and physical disabilities or other complex needs.

Our person-led approach is driven through bespoke support plans and outcomes for people. Where required, our ethos of delivering support through the fundamental principles of positive behaviour support (PBS) is also in place. The aim of our PBS framework is not merely to reduce levels of challenging behaviour for people, but to improve quality of life.

Our highly experienced staff provide 24-hour and waking night specialist support. The team help to promote independence and maintain a high standard of both physical and mental wellbeing. We’re committed to helping every person feel safe, happy and empowered, enabling them to live the best life possible.

We recognise that the individuals we support have needs that may be medical/therapeutic, emotional, spiritual, physical or social and the appropriate support will be provided to all. Each person will be fully involved in the development of their individual person-centred plan, and every individual will be supported to reach their full potential at their own pace.

We strive to preserve and maintain dignity, individuality and privacy of each individual we support, and in doing so our trained team are aware of their own unique needs.

A key worker will meet with each individual we support monthly on a one-to-one basis to discuss their goals and aspirations. These sessions will be for any concerns or issues they may have, to provide support and to plan leisure, employment, and college activities if this will be proactive towards their targets. Each person will have a dedicated member of staff to communicate with, however all staff are available to always help.

Socialisation is prioritised at Prospect Court and we plan fun activities to keep our tenants busy and motivated. We are pleased to hold BBQs, parties and birthday celebrations in our spacious back garden. With access to good transport links and local amenities, we encourage and support individuals to go for walks locally and to nearby towns to keep active.

Conditions we support, but are not limited to:

  • Epilepsy
  • Brain injury
  • Autism
  • Learning disabilities
  • Sensory impairment
  • Mental health
  • Physical disabilities
  • Other complex needs

One/two bedroom flats

Prospect Court has capacity for up to 28 individuals in one and two bedroom shared flats.

Modern facilities

We have modern spacious facilities throughout our accomodation.

Local amenities

We are situated close to transport links and local amenities.

Wheelchair accessible

Prospect Court has options for wheelchair accessible accommodation.

Large garden area

We have a large accessible garden area, and onsite parking.

24-hour staff team

Each individual we support has access to our 24-hour support team. We’re here for whatever they need, whenever they need it.

Specialist supported living environments to promote independence

At Prospect Court, we offer people a supportive and empowering environment for adults. We’re here to support people with their needs as required and are committed to making everyone feel safe and happy, allowing them to live the best possible life.

Please take the time to view an example of the accommodation at Prospect Court to get a feel for the setting. We have both shared occupancy and single occupancy accommodation — each with their own benefits.  We want you to feel completely at ease when you choose to use our supported living service.


Download our brochure

Our goal is to care for people and help them lead rich, rewarding and meaningful lives, however that looks for them. Download our brochure to learn more about the services we provide at Active Care Group.

Headway approved

We are extremely proud to be accredited as an approved provider of specialist brain injury care by the Headway Brain Injury Association

Case study

Find out about our tenants’ experiences and learn more about the work we do at Prospect Court by downloading our latest case study.

Our address

33 - 37 Albion Road,
Sutton, Surrey SM2 5TA

Contact number

Tel: 0208 642 0925

Browse supported living services:

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