Kingly Terrace

Neurological rehabilitation service in Northamptonshire

At Kingly Terrace, we provide neurological residential services for adults aged over 18 with a brain injury or other neurological conditions. We are committed to helping every person we support feel safe, happy, and empowered enabling them to live the best life possible.

Capacity up to 12


All genders


Providing specialist brain injury care and rehabilitation for adults.

Kingly Terrace is a detached period property in Rushden, Northamptonshire that is rated “Outstanding” by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in providing support for adults with acquired brain injuries or neurological conditions. Our highly trained team members work with residents around rehabilitation and enablement and support each resident to develop skills and independence in a way that suits them.

The house includes 12 large single ensuite bedrooms, a communal lounge and dining area, kitchen and separate laundry room. There is an additional spa bathroom with a modified bath and ceiling track hoist. The ground floor is large enough to accommodate wheelchair users and there is a lift to access upper floors. Located within a thriving local community, residents are supported to access the wider opportunities both in and around their home

There is a separate therapy space and therapy practice kitchen where residents can work on their tailored therapy programme, which includes physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech and language therapy. 

Quality of life through person-centred care is paramount. Our teams’ compassion and focus on developing therapeutic relationships, supports an understanding of each resident’s recovery preferences, needs and aspirations.

All residents are allocated a keyworker to co-design individualised timetables and support requirements, and to enable communication with significant others, as well as plan for significant events and holidays throughout the year.

Our wonderful team understand that a holistic approach is necessary to ensure those in our care are safe, happy, and healthy. We promote and fulfil the company values of being caring, honest, pro-active, and empowering for those we support.

Conditions we support, but are not limited to:

  • brain injury
  • functional neurological disorder
  • neurodegenerative conditions
  • stroke rehabilitation
  • Huntington’s disease
  • sensory impairment
  • neurological rehabilitation

12 bedrooms

At Kingly Terrace we have capacity for up to 12 residents where we care and support them in their recovery. 

Designated bathrooms

Rooms may be personalised and come with ensuite bathrooms to give residents as much privacy as possible whilst in our care.

Communal living space

Our communal lounge and dining areas allow residents to interact and spend time together in a community environment.

Therapy kitchen

Our therapy kitchen encourages residents to practise everyday skills to work on their cognitive abilities and try new things.

Community garden

We have an accessibility friendly garden and outdoor space where residents may enjoy nature in a safe and secure environment.

Therapy room

We have an open-door policy with our therapy room where residents may speak in confidence with a trained professional.

Meet the team

Download our brochure

Our goal is to care for people and help them lead rich, rewarding and meaningful lives, however that looks for them. Download our brochure to learn more about the services we provide at Active Care Group.

Commitment to quality

At Kingly Terrace we have aligned and agreed our strategic goals to define what we want our organisation to achieve. This means we have also aligned them with the five domains of the Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspection standards to ensure we provide the very best care possible to all our residents.

Our address

2 Essex Road, Rushden, Northamptonshire, NN10 0LG

Contact number

Tel: 01933 423680

Browse neurological rehabilitation services:

Latest news from Kingly Terrace

Service Manager at Kingly Terrace, Tina Colley, standing next to Councillor Barbara Jenney and Councillor Gill Mercer from North Northamptonshire Council.

Kingly Terrace hosts a Hawaiian open day for the local community to highlight the refurbished service

Staff and residents from Kingly Terrace hosted an open day with a Hawaiian theme on Wednesday 24 January! The residents…
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Tina Colley, Service Manager at Kingly Terrace, smiling at the camera.

Meet Tina Colley, our new Service Manager at Kingly Terrace in Northamptonshire

Our new Service Manager at Kingly Terrace, Tina Colley, tells us about her career background and experience, how she is…
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Halloween at Active Care Group

Throughout October we had some amazing Halloween parties across our services. Here are some lovely photos from Oswald House, Blackburn…
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