This is J’s Story and his journey at Loyd House

This is J’s Story and his journey at Loyd House


Loyd House in Northampton is a Neurological Rehabilitation Service for those aged 18 and over. We provide specialist post-acute rehabilitation, as well as management of long-term neurological conditions. This service has a strong focus on therapy, care, and quality of life.

J, who has Huntington’s Disease was a resident in a care home that closed just over 2 years ago. He initially moved into Hunters Moor, one of our Level 2 neuro rehab services in Birmingham for assessment and therapy input. Then, he moved into Loyd House in Northampton for his long-term placement.

When he was admitted into the service he did not integrate with others, isolated himself in his room, and displayed challenging behaviours, including being aggressive towards members of staff. He was also having several falls. Hunters Moor and Loyd House have worked diligently with J to give him back control of his life and have engaged him in activities both inside and outside of the home. Before he moved into Loyd House, he was asked how he wanted his room decorated and was delighted when he moved into his newly painted red room, as he is a huge fan of Liverpool football club.

The staff at Loyd House have supported J to give up smoking, which was one of his goals. In addition, he has received a lot of input from the Speech and Language therapist, so he can continue to have his tea and cake at home, and in the park café.

Some of his favourite activities include going to the local park and café, arts and crafts, and bird aviary. He also really enjoys the animal therapy activities in Loyd House and loved the miniature horses, rabbits and lambs that recently came to visit. J is very social now and feels comfortable to eat with the other residents, and he chats with staff and residents in the lounge.

When he arrived at Hunters Moor, J was in a wheelchair but with the support of the therapy team he was able to walk again, until recently when his mobility has deteriorated due to the Huntington’s. Loyd House is working very closely with the professionals at Mill Lodge, an NHS specialist Huntington’s centre, to ensure J has as much independence as possible for as long as possible, and that he continues to have an excellent quality of life.