Hothfield bring crafting and nature together for the national Big Garden Birdwatch

Hothfield bring crafting and nature together for the national Big Garden Birdwatch

Patients and staff making a handmade bird feeder.

Hothfield Brain Injury Rehabilitation Centre, our neurological rehabilitation service in Kent, have brought crafting and nature together with their handmade bird feeder project, as part of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) Big Garden Birdwatch — the world’s largest garden wildlife survey. Every year, hundreds of thousands of nature lovers take part, helping to build a picture of how garden birds are faring.

Rosi Cornwell, our occupational therapist at Hothfield, ordered a birdwatching pack from RSPB. The birdwatching pack enables the patients to log which birds they see, so they can take part. In order to encourage the birds to visit, the patients at Hothfield have been busy making bird feeders that will hang on the windows at the service. The patients and team members at Hothfield have already spotted robins visiting the handmade bird feeders and they’ve enjoyed watching them. We can’t wait to hear which other types of birds make an appearance!

This year’s birdwatch runs from Friday 26 to Saturday 28 January 2024. In 2023, over half a million people took part, counting 9.1 million birds, and the house sparrow was the number one bird spotted in UK gardens, for the 20th year running.

Over 38 million birds have been lost from UK skies in the last 60 years. With birds facing so many challenges, it’s more important than ever to get involved in the birdwatch.

If you would like to find out more, or get involved, visit their website.