Farhana is a young woman who was 18 when she was admitted to Hunters Moor Neurological Centre in December 2022. She turned 19 shortly after her discharge home. Farhana was admitted to Hunters Moor following a hospital admission secondary to Nitrous Oxide abuse. Farhana was diagnosed with sensory ataxia / myeloneuropathy and sub-acute combined degeneration of the cord.
When Farhana first arrived at Hunters Moor, she was heavily reliant on others and as a result was lacking the functional independence that she was accustomed to as a young adult. Farhana initially needed assistance with daily tasks such as her personal care and transferring from the bed to the chair with use of a Sara Stedy, and assistance of two members of staff.
Whilst admitted to Hunters Moor, Farhana would have both individual Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy sessions, and would also attend groups to maximise her rehabilitation potential.
Farhana developed a good therapeutic relationship with the Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy team and engaged well with her therapy, demonstrating motivation towards her rehabilitation journey.
Farhana was discharged home after a 12-week admission to Hunters Moor. At the point of discharge, Farhana had improved significantly and was independent with her mobility using one elbow crutch, and was able to independently manage stairs. Farhana was also independent with all of her personal care activities such as washing and dressing.
Throughout Farhana’s admission it was a pleasure for the therapy team to see Farhana grow in confidence due to her progress, and ultimately regain her functional independence.
“Farhana was a pleasure to work with throughout her time at Hunters Moor. Farhana engaged well with all of her therapy and was a popular resident and made good friendships whilst she was with us with other residents. Farhana is an example of a rising pandemic of Nitrous Oxide abuse amongst young people in the UK and how serious the side effects can be. Farhana made a significant improvement throughout her time at Hunters Moor, and is now an advocate and a voice to other young people about being cautious regarding Nitrous Oxide use.” – Rebecca John (Physiotherapist)