Introducing Nash, our Expert by Experience Independent Advisor

Introducing Nash, our Expert by Experience Independent Advisor

Nash - Real Insight

It is well established that the use of experts by experience are an essential component to delivering Good and Outstanding care. We’re delighted to announce that Nashiru Momori, Founder & Director of Real Insight Consultants Ltd, will be working with us as an Independent Advisor across our Expert by Experience initiative and our Equality, Diversity & Inclusion agenda.

For a number of years we have been working in partnership with Real Insight Consultants Ltd, an external consultancy to positively impact the structure of our services, with a focus on our adult mental health hospitals. From inputting into Holybourne Hospital and providing expert guidance on setting up our new adult mental health hospital Kings Norton, we have achieved some outstanding results together and so we are thrilled that Nash will be sharing his expertise across the wider Group.

His innovative service-user led approach means service user involvement has become an integral part of our service design and delivery to ensure we deliver excellent standards of care whilst creating a supportive environment for our staff. Staff and service users are empowered to take meaningful and effective roles in co-designing their own solutions and services to meet their needs.

Nash will also be a member of our Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Steering Group – a newly formed group with leaders from across the business to drive our ED&I agenda. Nash will provide guidance and input into the specific actions we can take to ensure our networks and our ED&I Forum have a powerful impact for our business. Joining the Workforce Committee too, Nash will bring a diverse perspective on our workforce initiatives drawing on his experience from both his Expert by Experience background and his ED&I perspective.

Expert by Experience Independent Advisor, Nash Momori
Expert by Experience Independent Advisor, Nash Momori with Ronan Byrne, Occupational Therapist Assistant, Holybourne

About Nash, Founder & Director of Real Insight:
Nash’s own recovery journey enabled him to realise the importance of a holistic approach to recovery that gives people more control over their health and wellbeing. His guiding principle is to see ‘service users’ as peers, with assets beyond their challenges or diagnosis.

Nash works with fellow peers, frontline staff, senior, and strategic management teams across a range of organisations, as a consultant, trainer and adviser, assisting organisations change their structures and practice toward a fully inclusive culture. This ensures peers have increasing influencing in strategic and frontline service design and delivery, bringing whole system gains.

He is currently an Expert by Experience User Consultant with West London Mental Health NHS Trust (WLMHT), where he co-designed, and developed one of the country’s first in-house Recovery Colleges within a forensic medium secure service. 

Nash was a Joint winner in WLMHT’s Quality Awards, alongside Lilian Hove, involvement and recovery team, forensic services, in the category: “Quality improvement through research or innovation.”

Nash’s co-lead, design and development role in the Recovery College at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM), has resulted in one of the country’s leading examples of meaningful peer involvement.

In collaboration with the Big Lottery Funds Fulfilling Lives programme, Nash worked with Resolving Chaos to develop a successful service user involvement group, that works across the London Borough’s of Lambeth, Southwark, and Lewisham.