Celebrating Janette Wynn’s appointment as Director of Institute of Registered Case Managers

Celebrating Janette Wynn’s appointment as Director of Institute of Registered Case Managers


We are pleased to announce that Janette Wynn, Managing Director of our Case Management division, has recently been appointed Director of the Institute of Registered Case Managers (IRCM) and she will start her new role later this year.

IRCM is a not-for-profit organisation whose role is to safeguard the users of case management services. They do this by setting standards for case managers’ practice, publishing a public register of people who meet their requirements and providing a process through which concerns can be reported and properly investigated.

Janette said, “I am thrilled to have been accepted on the board of IRCM and am excited to help registrants get the most from their registration, as well as develop and educate the case management industry on the strategy and plans for IRCM throughout my term as Chair of the Communications and Events Committee, thereby helping safeguard users of case management services.

“I am additionally thrilled to be involved in the group leading the implementation of the Certificate of Proficiency in case management. I hope over time to see greater education and training opportunities for the profession designed to meet IRCM Standards of Proficiency.”

For more information on IRCM, visit their website.